LAUSD Parent Involvement Policy
Los Angeles Unified School District PARENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY
The Los Angeles Unified School District recognizes that, when schools and parents form strong partnerships, children's potential for educational success improves significantly. The California Education Code and the Parents As Equal Partners Resolution guide all school and District practices regarding the engagement of parents in their children's education. In addition, the California Education Code requires that every school receiving federal funds establish a School Site Council (SSC). Parents must be involved in advising or, as members of the SSC, in making decisions about the school's educational program, the use of categorical funds to support these programs, and the school plan to involve parents in their children's education.
The District has established a Title I Parent involvement Policy and directs all schools to annually review and revise, as necessary, their school's Title I Parent Involvement Policy. In addition, all schools with twenty-one or more English Learners (EL) students, riot including Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students, are required to establish an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). Through the School Experience Survey, parents are surveyed annually in the spring to provide LAUSD their perceptions on a variety of matters, including how well their schools welcome them as partners. All LAUSD schools are encouraged to operate a parent center or provide a location where parent support services and training s will occur. The School Goals for Parent Engagement sets standards for effective parental engagement and guides school efforts to effectively engage parents at all grade levels in a broad range of roles and activities.
These goals are the following:
- Ensure parents are welcomed as equal partners.
- Provide parents opportunities to strengthen their capacity to support learning.
- Operate an effective volunteer program.
- Respond effectively to parent concerns and complaints.
- Maintain compliance regarding all parent involvement mandates.
Parent engagement programs at schools are developed at the school level, and school and parent center staff receive guidance and support through staff of the Parent, Community and Student Services (PCSS) and through each Parent and Community Engagement Team in each Local District (LD). All parents, including parents of English learners, migrant students, and students with disabilities are guaranteed access to school-based activities and programs. Upon request, schools will make special accommodations for parents who are disabled or who require other special consideration. In addition, the Division of Special Education provides free resources for parents of students with disabilities, including offering them information about their child's education and ways to be involved. For more information, contact (213) 241-6701.